Monday, July 26, 2010

D7~14 busy

I had neglected Jessica for few days and wasnt able to feed it for 3 days. It resulted in disappearing of the bubble nests, but after nurturing him well,
tbubbles had reappeared (:

I have not been able to blog for the past week I have been busy with
exams and my girlfriend x)
today marks day 7 of our conditioning project.

Jessica seems to be responding to not the visuals but, whenever I get near by
he seems to get excited and come up to the surface of the water.

Jessica staring at the chessboard visuals.

Jessica says : Good Morning sunshine x)

It has been two weeks since Jessica has joined the family, I should clean the tank
and give it some clean water this wednesday.

the water seems to be getting dirty :(


  1. wow thats what blood worm looks like....

    so it just rips it off if u dip it in water?

  2. yapppp the cube is full of small bloodworms
    and it melts once it is diped to the water
    and Jessica just rip them off

