Tuesday, August 3, 2010

D-21 Algaes

At last my algae shipment has arrived , it came in a small envelope.
They were much smaller than I thought they would be but then all is good because my tank is very small and I had to cut most of them in half to fit it in my tank.

My mini aquariam is starting to look more complete with some greens in it.
These algaes are suppose to grow very fast and the seller stated that I would need
alot of trimming to do. Hopefully It grows enough so I can share this with my girlfriend's aquarium as well.

It was very difficult to plant these algaes into my small pebble box. I hope they can grow well in pebbles because I do not want to introduce any dirt in to my tank.
I might need to scoop some fine sand from a nearby lake or creek.

Jessica seems to be loving its new plants. Its exploring around, hiding between the plants, taking a bite and just loving it!